The A-ha moment that changed my life....

I’m a chanter and a girl that stands in front of the mirror and says awesome, loving things about herself.

A few years ago I did this in secret.

I would stand in front of my mirror with the doors closed and whisper my loving affirmations to myself hoping no one in my house could hear me because I was afraid they would think I was weird.

I would do my chanting early in the morning after my husband left for work and while my daughter was still asleep because I was afraid they would judge me or make fun of me if they heard me doing it.

Then one day I had an aha moment, I thought to myself, “If I’m afraid to be seen by my family, the people I feel the most comfortable with, something is really wrong.”

If I’m afraid of being judged within my own house then I know I have some work to do on my own self love, acceptance, worthiness, and confidence.

I decided in that moment that I was going to do the work. That I was going to practice being vulnerable, allowing myself to be seen in my allness and uncover and reprogram all the beliefs, fears, and stories that came up wanting to keep me small.

Where in your life are you dimming or hiding yourself out of fear?

That aha moment changed my life. It’s funny how the seemingly small moments can make a big impact in your life.

In that moment, I gave myself permission. Permission to be fully seen in my allness and though it started within the walls of my own home, it quickly extended out into all areas.

It cascaded into a personal mission to not dim or hide my truest self out of fear of being judged.

And, though it’s been scary at times and continues to push my edge, it’s also been absolutely liberating!

Here's an opportunity for you to journal on the following prompts to get clarity on how, where, and why you may be holding back, staying small, and not allowing yourself to be fully expressed. Get clarity on the stories, fears, etc that are keeping your from unapologetically owning your fullness. And, how to take action to become more fully expressed.

1. In what ways do you hide who you are?

2. With whom do you hold back, not share, stay small?

3. In what situations do you hold back, not share, stay small?

4. What are the stories and beliefs that come up for you when you think about being fully expressed in these situations? Let yourself really dive deep into all the stories, all the beliefs, all the reasons why it doesn’t feel safe, okay to be fully seen and expressed.

5. If you weren’t afraid about what anyone else thought about you, what they might say or think, who would you be? What would you do?

6. Do some tapping on the fear, stories, beliefs getting in the way of you showing up in your fullness (you can sign up for my free Tapping into Freedom, 7-day series to support you with this,

7. Choose 1 thing (to start) from your list from #4 and start to practice it now. What can you practice doing right now to be more fully expressed and seen? It is through action that we get to the other side of fear.