How to overcome guilt so you can love the life you're living

Raise your hand 👋 if you’ve felt guilty about wanting more for yourself, more for your life?

Almost every woman I’ve worked with has struggled with feeling guilty about taking time for herself, for wanting more for herself, her life then just being a mother, for wanting more space, more free time, for wanting to take care of herself, to prioritize her own happiness, her own desires, her own dreams.

But, they tell themselves….

~ “A good mom would always put her kids first”

~ “If I take this time for myself even though my kids want me to play, then I am being selfish and my kids will feel unloved”

~ “It’s not fair to ask my partner for more help around the house and with the kids, they work hard all week and I don’t want put them out.

~ “A good friend would say yes to helping out her friend even though I feel exhausted and depleted and need more support myself. I don’t want her to not like me.”

~ “I’m a bad mom if I choose to go back to work instead of staying home (all the other moms will judge me).”

There are a million stories and beliefs that keep us feeling guilty for wanting to prioritize ourselves. And, it makes sense, we’ve been conditioned from a very young age that we receive the love, acceptance, and value that we desire by making others happy, by taking care of their needs, by adapting ourselves to their standards, by giving all of ourselves to others.

It’s this programming that fuels the feelings of guilt which keeps us stuck in the same patterns of people pleasing and putting ourselves last. And, then we go through life feeling exhausted, drained, and resentful that our lives have nothing to do with us (and then we feel guilty for feeling that way).

To release the guilt and create a new belief for yourself that you are worthy and deserving of taking care of yourself, prioritizing your happiness, and filling your own cup, you must first uncover and unlearn the beliefs hidden within your subconscious mind.

One of the most powerful and effective tools to do just that is EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting work. Through tapping you can get right to the core of when those beliefs were formed and gently release them from your energy system. By releasing them from your body and mind (your energy field) you’ve freed yourself from being unconsciously driven by these underlying beliefs.

My clients have experienced profound shifts in themselves from doing this work...

~ finally feel good about speaking up for what they want and prioritizing their needs (by releasing a deep childhood belief that they were selfish)

~having a spontaneous knowing of her life direction and calling (after releasing childhood trauma from her system)

~feeling comfortable and confident with creating clear boundaries with her family (by doing deep work to unlearn her feeling of lack of worthiness and value within her family system)

~feeling hopeful, energized, and excited about her next level in her career and a faith that she can succeed and her family’s needs can be taken care of (releasing a belief that it had to be one or the other, and instilling a deeper sense of self-belief and a value in her gifts and what she has to offer the world)

This is just a few of the many shifts that have happened for my clients doing this work, but one of the foundational shifts that must be made is feeling worthy and loving yourself enough to know that you deserve to be happy, to take care of yourself, to fill your own cup!

And... that there's room for you to do that AND be able to be there for the people you love. In fact, I 1000% believe that you must prioritize yourself and your happiness, it’s the only way that you can truly show up for the people in your life that you love from an energy of abundance, joy, love, and presence.

And, right now, I have an incredible FREE offer, TAPPING INTO FREEDOM, a 7-day tapping journey to radical self-love, acceptance, confidence and your freedom.

Day 4 is all about releasing this guilt!

Sign up HERE to receive 7 pre-recorded tapping videos that will support you in reprogramming your mind and body so that you can experience more freedom, confidence, peace, self-love, and joy in your life!