The Power of the Wild Woman Archetype

“Wild Woman, wild woman sing life into my bones. Help me to remember the woman I am to become.”

I recently started a book club to study Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.  This is a book near and dear to my heart.  Any woman who feels lacking in any way, who feels dried up, stuck, full of doubt, fear, or shame… this book is calling to you.  

It is a book I have read all the way through and over the years have continued to come back to it to read bits as I’ve felt inspired.  But, I have never joined other women with a calling in their soul to rewild, to let their hair down and their claws out as they dig into their own depths to rediscover the wild woman within. 

Women gathering in circle is powerful.  Women gathering in circle to rewild and claim their sovereignty… I’m not sure I have words to express the magnitude of that frequency.  

It is palpable, it is humming, it is an energy of unraveling and rebirthing.

You may be wondering what it means to rewild?  What is Wild Woman Archetype?  

She is the female soul, a part of the divine feminine.  She is your intuition, your instinct.  

She is the far-seer, the deep listening, the loyal heart.  

She is your creativity.  She is dancing, singing, drumming, howling at the moon in purest joy and life.  

She is the deep lover, the healer.  

She is your life, death, life cycle.  She knows what must die away in order to make room for new life.

When wild woman is fully present she ignites your vibrancy, your sovereignty, your creative power.  

She is the one who finds all the bones- the lost, dismembered aspects of oneself and she sings over them until you become whole again.  

If you feel at all disconnected from your wild self, if you feel drained, stuck, dry, numb, fearful, or any words that might describe not fully in your vibrancy and wholeness then you are invited to rediscover your own lost parts.  You are invited to find the scent, the soft whisper of the wild woman archetype within you.  Here are a few questions offered by Dr. Estes in her book:

  • What has happened to my soul voice?

  • What are the buried bones in my life?

  • What condition is my relationship to my own intuition?

  • When was the last time I ran free? Felt free?

  • How can I make life come alive again? 

I invite you to grab your journal and drop into your heart, into your womb and ponder these questions.  The path to your own rewilding might be found in your answers.  

Whether you choose to read the book alone, with other women, or not at all, the wild woman is within you.  She is beckoning you to come near.  Her soft whisper is reminding you of who you really are.  She is reminding you of what is available to you– intuition, connection, creativity, confidence, authenticity, embodiment, sovereignty.  

It is our birthright to live empowered, dynamic, vibrant lives. 

Harnessing your wild woman energy brings you back to life.