How to Create Unwavering Confidence

One of the reasons that I struggled to step fully into my highest self, step fully into the life I know I was meant to live, and desired to create was because l lacked Confidence.

I believed confidence was an innate characteristic that some people had, and I just didn’t have it in me.

But, here’s the truth Confidence is a choice.

It is within all of us and just needs to be developed and built up.

Maybe you’re desiring the confidence to walk into any room with your head held high and strike up a conversation with anyone.

Maybe you’re desiring the confidence to speak up at work and share your ideas.

Maybe you’re desiring the confidence to break out of the mold and let your real self be seen without the fear of judgment or rejection.

I get it.... I have desired all those things and so much more, but self-doubt and insecurity kept me small for a really long time...

You see, we tend to forge beliefs about ourselves based on negative experiences we have had in the past and they keep us from living into our full potential. But, these experiences are in your past. You do not need to let them define you and become your future. You get to choose who you are NOW, and the life you want to live. You can choose now to see yourself as worthy, capable, and deserving!

You can create an unwavering CONFIDENCE in yourself NOW!

Here’s How:

1. Think of an area in your life that you have felt too afraid to pursue or go for. Where in your life have you lacked the confidence to to show up fully?

(example: I lack the confidence to show up fully in new social situations, I feel anxious and like I will have nothing to say.)

2. Write down the negative beliefs or conclusions you have created about yourself in this area.

(example: I am not good at small talk. People aren’t going to like more or they are going to judge me because I am awkward when I’m in new social situations. I don’t know how to talk to people.)

3. Create new empowering affirmations that are the opposite of these negative beliefs.

(example: I am an awesome communicator. I can walk into any room with my head held high and talk to anyone with ease. I believe it’s easy and fun to be in new social situations.) 4. Write out a new, positive, empowering scenario where you are taking this area of your life by the horns! Where you are showing up fully, in your power, and fill this description with all the feel good feelings you want to experience.

(example: I see myself walking up to a group of people that are all chatting, my head is held high, my shoulders are back, I have a big smile on my face. I easily and confidently walk up to the group and join the conversation. They are excited and happy to have me join. I feel and ease and love being able to chat effortlessly with anyone. I am self-assured, confident, and joyful.)

5. Now visualize yourself in your new image. In this new, updated version of you. Imagine doing the thing that scares you and doing it beautifully. Our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. This has been scientifically proven! If you spend 5-10 minutes every day vividly imagining yourself doing the thing that scares you and doing it really well. If you can see yourself really capable, and not only that, but also feeling good doing it, you will create it in your reality. Start to feel into the experience as if it’s happening right now. See yourself tackling whatever it is with confidence, excitement, enjoyment, joy, gratitude.

The more you do this, your subconscious mind will start to believe that it has happened, you will start to create new neural pathways, new emotions, and feelings around this area of your life.

You will create the confidence you need to go and do the thing!

Are you ready to commit to this practice? Commit to creating your life on your terms! You have the choice. What choice are you going to make?


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