3 Ways to Create More Joy In Your Life

I used to get so frustrated when I heard Influencers talk about the importance of joy.  They would say lean into joy more, be more joyful, do the things that bring you joy. And, at the time, it would drive me crazy because (and I’ll be really honest with you) I had NO idea what brought me joy.  I was so disconnected from myself, disconnected from who I truly was, that I had forgotten what joy was to me.

Life had become about the to-do’s, about my responsibilities.  I had been consumed by my identities as a mother, wife, employee, daughter, caretaker, and manager of life, that I had lost the most important identity, myself.  I had lost my vibrancy and zest for life. I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the adulting that joy was not on the top of my priority list!

And, it’s not to say that I never had fun. My life by no means was terrible or depressing.  My life was pretty good actually, but did I laugh every day? No! Did I spend time intentionally creating space to consider what brought me joy? No! Did I carve out time daily or on a very regular basis to do the things that lit my soul up? No!

I was not taking the time to intentionally connect to joy in my life.  

Hell, I wasn’t taking the time to intentionally connect to myself!

So, if this at all resonates with you and you’re desiring to feel more joy in your life then I got you! 

3 Ways to Create More Joy​​

Make Yourself a Joy List

Create a list of the things that light you up, that bring you to life, that make your spirit sing and commit to doing something on that list every week, or even better every single day! 

Things on my list are: walking on the beach, feeling the sun on my face, singing my heart out in the car (where no one else has to hear me ;)), dancing with my daughter, my morning routine, deep-soul conversations, yoga, hiking, laughing.

Some of these I do every single day and some of these I do as often as I can, but I am intentional about making sure my days always have moments of joy! 

Embrace the Beauty and Magic that is Only You

This one is absolutely essential to create real, lasting joy.  Because real joy truly is an internal state. Real joy is when you 100% love and accept yourself and show up authentically for life. This level of deep joy comes when you finally let go of caring about whatever anyone else thinks of you.  When you finally let your true self be seen. When you love and accept yourself exactly as you are and no longer are trying to “fit in” or mold yourself to someone else’s standards or expectations. This level of self acceptance, deep self-love, and stepping into your truth is where true joy lies.  This is when no matter what the circumstances, no matter what people say about you or to you, no matter what, you still feel a deep sense of joy. It’s a feeling you have that is unrelated to anything external, any outside circumstances. It’s a deep, rich, fullness from within.

Listen to the Whisper of Your Heart

We all have a deep calling in life. Something that we know we’re meant to bring to the world.  It is different for everyone, but we all have a purpose for being on this earth. For me, it’s helping women reclaim their lives and step into their greatness, for others it may be nursing by helping people feel safe and comforted when in distress, it may be painting, it may be motherhood, it may be bringing more laughter into the world through art, it may be underwater basket weaving.  Whatever it is, there is a whisper in your heart calling you forward to step into your fullest potential, step into your purpose.  And, I know from experience that you might not be sure what it is.  I spent so many years trying to “find it,” but now I know it was always there, I just wasn’t ready to listen.  But, when you bravely listen to that whisper of your heart and take bold action to become the person you are meant to become in this life, there is no greater joy.

I am so pumped and excited for you to step into your greatness! Imagine your life and how it will feel when you show up 100% authentically and true to yourself, when you love yourself deeply and know your worth, when you feel your most confident, when you feel in purpose, when you are feeling joy every single day, when you feel fully alive again! 

Are you Ready???

Reach out to me if you’re ready to experience your next level of life and step into your most confident, empowered, joy-filled self!