What Does Self-Love Really Mean and Why it Matters?

You have heard me talk about the importance of self-love a lot.  But, what does it really mean? Well, let me break it down for ya.

Self-love is the foundation of feeling good.  

Feeling good is the foundation of attracting into your life what you desire, be it relationships, career, friendships, money, love, everything. 

Self-love is how you get into the energy of your highest self, and your energy is everything!

But, what does it mean! How do I cultivate it?

Self-love means you believe in your own worthiness.

Self-Love means you believe you deserve all that you desire.

Self-Love means you believe you are good enough.

Self-love means you give yourself permission to put yourself first.

Self-love means you can look into your own eyes and feel good and loving towards who you are looking at.

Self-love means you treat your body well by exercising, eating well, and sleeping enough.

Self-love means you prioritize things that make you feel happy and joyful, that light up your soul.

Self-love means you don’t sacrifice your own needs and desires for the sake of everyone else’s.

Self-love means you let go of people pleasing and take care of you.

Self-love means carving out time every day to do the practices that keep you aligned with your highest self and in your truth.

Self-love means you aren’t afraid to be who you really are and let your real self be seen.

Self-love means you take the risks even when you are afraid to do whatever it is that fills your soul with purpose.

Self-love means you don’t shrink yourself down to make others feel more comfortable.

Self-loves means you own who you are with confidence and power.

Self-love means you have fully stepped into who you really are and let your light shine bright.

Self-love isn’t a concept, but a daily practice to get closer and closer to your truth and feeling proud, confident, whole, joyful, empowered, and loving in who you really are.  

And, when you fully embody who you are and love yourself deeply, your energy soars. You become a beacon of light and love in the world, you impact all the energy around you and people you connect with will start to rise as well.  Life begins to flow beautifully and things fall into place as they should.

This is how you create a life you love. You focus on you. You focus on loving yourself deeply and getting selfish about feeling good. You focus on stepping fully into your truth.  Then life flows as you want it to with ease and grace. Your relationships improve. Your find you have more time than you thought you had to incorporate into your life the things you love. You start connecting more deeply to your partner, your kids, your friends.  

You have started a vortex, a momentum of love and feeling good that just keeps getting bigger and stronger, and bringing into your life more things that support that beautiful loving vibration. 

Sounds good, right?

It is good!  It is amazing! 

I know from experience because I went from only a few years ago feeling totally lost, overwhelmed, overshadowed, and like something was really missing to now living in my purpose, deeply connected to my husband in a much bigger way then I have ever felt before, surrounded by soul sisters that I longed to have for most of my life (that just floated in so effortlessly), and truly feeling so much love, joy, gratitude, and contentment every single day.

What shifted my life so dramatically was finally giving myself permission to let go of the guilt and put my needs and desires on the table, a HUGE act of self-love. I have then committed to practices that cultivate self-love, worthiness, and connecting to my highest self every single day.

It is work. It takes dedication, but it is SO worth it.  I am a different person today then I was 4 years ago and this can be true for you too.  If you are desiring a different life for yourself, one where you matter, one where you feel a deep sense of joy and love every single day, one where you cultivate a sacred relationship with yourself that massively benefits all of your other relationships as well, one where you get to create the life you love rather then feel like life is living you, then...

Let’s connect.  I would be so honored to support you on your journey to rediscovering your true self, to releasing the limiting beliefs and fears that are keeping you from thriving in all areas of your life, and to see you going from lost, stressed, and overwhelmed to confident, present, vibrant, and ABSOLUTELY in love with your life.