The journey from surviving to thriving

I was remembering recently how much my life has changed over the past few years.  I was remembering how only 5 years ago I felt so lost.  I felt like I had completely disappeared from my own life, like my life wasn't about me at all.  I was just going through the motions, settling for a "good enough" life while feeling totally unfulfilled and like a deep part of myself was missing.  I certainly wasn't really happy, although I of course had moments of happiness, I hadn't experienced true joy, deep internal joy for A LONG time.  I was desperately searching for my purpose, for more meaning, for answers of what was going to "fix" me or make me feel better.  And, I was so afraid I would never find it.  That I would always be living a "just okay" life, but with that feeling that something was missing, that my life was supposed to be so much bigger, and with a deep aching in my heart.

What I didn't know then, but I learned through this beautiful spiritual/Soul journey I have been on was that that aching in my heart was my Soul calling to me.  My highest Soul self was calling to be seen, to be witnessed, wanting to be heard, wanting to be remembered.

She was urging me to come home.  To remember my truth.  To remember who I really was.  Remember my own divine power and intelligence that lives within me. 

This beautiful journey back to myself is how I got to experience deep, lasting joy again.

Connecting to Source and my own light brought me meaning. 

Remembering that I am NOT a victim to my circumstances, but actually the divine, infinite co-creator of my life, returned me to my power.

Loving myself, remembering my inherent worthiness, and continuing to tune inwards rather then outwards, allowed me to reconnect to my own inner knowing and intuition.  

And, what I have come to understand to be true is that our purpose in this life is to embody love.  To remember our own divinity, to reconnect to Source and Divine Consciousness that lives within us and all around us, always supporting us and guiding us towards our highest good. 

Our purpose is to be the light, to embody love, and to help heal the collective by first healing and loving ourselves. 

What is more meaningful and purposeful then that?

Before I embarked on this path, I was basically a walking head.  Constantly overthinking, worrying, future tripping, doing what I was told, what I thought I was supposed to do, following all the rules, and I was empty, a shadow self, a sheep.

Through this beautiful journey I've come back into my body. I've opened my heart. I've nurtured a relationship to Self, to my Soul, to Source. 

And, when I started to honor me, my desires, my wants, me needs, my happiness, that's when I began to come back to life

When I I dove even deeper into the mindset work, energy work, deconstructing old programming and conditioning, releasing the stuck emotions and energy from my past, reconnecting to my truth and authenticity, and my own divine nature, that's when I began to thrive!

When I began to listen to and trust my own inner knowing, my intuition, my Soul wisdom, instead of what everyone else told me was right, true, responsible, attractive, the way it "should" be, my life became my own again.

I feel so much gratitude, joy, love, more confidence, more inner trust, strength, power, connection.  I feel alive again!  And, my life has far surpassed what I thought was ever possible for me!

That is the beauty of this work.  That is the beauty of remembrance and coming home to yourself.

If this resonates with you and you are feeling the call to rise up, if you are feeling the call of coming home to yourself, to releasing the fear, self-doubt, and smallness so that you can step into your next level self, your Soul self, and create a life you absolutely love, then I am here for you. 


That is why I created Her Life Reclaimed, my signature 1:1 program, to teach what I have done to transform my life.  It is an amazing program and I am so thrilled and honor to work with amazing women who are ready and motivated to up-level their life in the most beautiful and impactful way!  Just reply to this email for more information on Her Life Reclaimed, if you're interested!

And, you can jump start your journey right now by grabbing your free copy of the TOP 10 TIPS TO RECLAIM YOUR LIFE, HERE.

with so much love and light,

