Your Focus May Be the Problem

I've gotta be real with you, over the past month or so, I’ve been really out of alignment.  Our world has been going through significant, important changes which I have been working to figure out my role in being a part of the change that is occurring, and dealing with my own personal frustrations too.

I've felt sad, frustrated, irritable, impatient, and discontent. And, the state of our world is definitely a part of that (mostly the grief part), but this email is speaking to what has been going on personally.  Because as the world is changing in big and hopeful ways, that we get to be a part of the solution, we also have our own personal lives that may need attention as well.   

This may be more relevant to you if you're a parent, but the underlying message will hit home regardless.  For the past month or so, I've been feeling so frustrated by the circumstances of my life as they have been. I was frustrated that my daughter had been home from school, that I had to be a home school teacher and will continue to be when 3rd grade starts, instead of being able to focus on my business, and being of service in a way that really fills my heart!!! And, I've felt super guilty for wishing my daughter was at school instead of home with me. I've been scattered all over the place trying to be with her, attempting to sneak away whenever I could to get some space, and to work on creating all that has been building and expanding within me. 

I've had to be very intentional over the past month of surrendering to what is. Surrendering to the circumstances that are before me now, trusting that everything is in perfect, divine timing. I've had to keep coming back to my heart, back to my intention, which is to always be the embodiment of unconditional love, support, and acceptance. To be the light. Because, I'm very aware that if I'm feeling resentment towards having to be with my daughter, if I'm not wanting to be with her, if I'm discontent with the fact that she's home, you better believe she feels that. Our energy is that powerful. And, I never want my daughter to feel unwanted, unloved, or like a burden.

So, I keep getting to choose to shift my perspective. To find all the reasons (and there are so many) that I'm so appreciative to have this time with her. She's such an amazing teacher of full self expression, of joy, of play, of so much goodness. I keep getting to choose to surrender to what is, instead of fighting against it. 

The more we fight against anything, the more energy we bring to it, thus attracting more of the same.

If I want to experience more time freedom, if I want to have more space for myself and the things I want to do, then I get to stop fighting against what is. Instead, I get to focus on what I want. I get to appreciate what I have. I get to create the space and the freedom while also thoroughly enjoying and being present for my daughter when we are together.

So, my beautiful friend, if you've found yourself fighting against anything in your life right now. If you've found yourself focused on your problems, rather then what you want, then let me lovingly remind you that it will only create more of what you don't want.

To truly change your reality, to create the life you DO want, it's important that you appreciate your now. The more you can focus on what is good in your life, the more you can focus on the all areas that make you feel gratitude, joy, love, appreciation, the more you will raise your vibration, and create the change you want. But, you can't create the change you are looking for by focusing on the problem, on what you don't want. Because it's all about your energy, it's all about how you feel, and if you're focused on the problem and all that isn't working then you are guaranteed to be in a low vibration. You are guaranteed to be feeling all the low vibe emotions of frustration, resentment, blame, anger, impatience, etc. and from that resonance you can only attract in things that match those low vibes.

But, when you start to focus on the solution. When you start to focus on what you do want. When you turn your attention and awareness to what feels good, what you are grateful and appreciative for, what makes you feel joyful, and happy, then you are automatically raising your vibration. And, from that state of elevated frequency, you will attract things that match that vibration. You will begin to create more of what you do want.

The concept is so simple, but in real life, it's a practice.

When you find yourself focused on your problems say, "thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for this awareness so that I may choose again." Give yourself so much love and compassion for being all of you in your humanness and choose again.

Begin to ask yourself

How can I surrender even more to what is right now?

If I know I am the Source of my experience, then what can I now turn my attention to in my life right now that feels good? That will bring me more joy, that I appreciate and feel grateful for?

How can I see the gift in the now? The opportunity for growth, learning, expansion?

How can I bring unconditional love, support, and acceptance to me and my life right now?

What is it that I do want?

How can I shift my perception and beliefs to reaffirm what I do want?

What actions can I take right now towards what I want?

You always have a chose of how you feel, what you think, and how you respond to life. You are the Source of your experience. And, you get to create your most magnificent life! Are you focused on problems or the solutions? Are you focused on what you don't like about your life or on what you want? Are you stuck in the same old patterns of thinking and habits that are creating the same old life or are you taking inspired action towards the life you want?

Every new moment is a chance to choose again. Every moment is a chance to move towards your best life!

I'm over here remembering, recommitting to my intention and how I choose to live, and jumping back on track to my most magnificent life!

so much love to you,
