You Can't Become What You Want By Remaining What You Are


How many times have you found that you really want to attract something into your life and it just isn’t happening?

You feel like you are doing all the right things- affirmations, positive thoughts, visualizations, doing your best to feel as good as you can, but you aren’t seeing any results for your efforts.

I came across this quote recently that really sums up the issue, 

“we can’t become what we want by remaining what we are.”

The problem is that underneath all your positive intentions and efforts you still have underlying, subconscious stories, beliefs, and programming that are keeping you from truly being in alignment with what you desire to attract into your life.

By the time we are in our mid-life, we are basically living on auto-pilot. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors have become completely habitual, they have become subconsciously programmed within us.  And, this programming is based on old stories, memories, and experiences which affect the decisions you make and how you see and interact with the world. 

So, you have to transcend your old ways of being, thinking, acting, feeling in order to have a new experience.  You can’t be the same person you are now, running the same stories and habitual ways of being and expect something new to happen.

Like the old saying goes, “ you can’t do the same things over and over again and expect a different result.  That’s the definition of insanity.”

I was thinking about how these old stories have been playing out and affecting my life and a story that has been on repeat for the last 20 years of my life has been “I’m not smart enough.” I have been telling myself this same story since I was a teenager and in fact this story is what kept me from going to college for 8 years, it has kept me quiet in social situations for fear that I would say the wrong thing or sound stupid, it has stopped me from speaking out at work and sharing my ideas because why would I think my ideas were better or worth hearing compared to all those other smarter people in the room. 

And, what’s interesting is that in my mid-20’s I did end up going to college and I got a 4.0 the whole way through and STILL my story story didn’t change. That story of ‘I’m not smart enough’ was so ingrained in my subconscious that I couldn’t see any evidence to the contrary even when it was right in front of my face.  

That’s the way our brains work. It will look for evidence in our environment that supports our stories~ the programs that have been running our lives. So, graduating from college with a 4.0 was completely overlooked because it didn’t support my story, but every time I fumbled over my words, didn’t know what to say, or didn’t have the right answer, my subconscious sure did notice that. It’s noticed it because it reconfirmed and supported the story I held so deeply. 

Marianne Williamson says, “the stories we tell ourselves are the experiences we live.”

The stories we tell ourselves are the experiences we live because our brain will continue to find evidence to prove that story true. So, our reality becomes the playbook of these stories.  Whether the story you are telling yourself is that no one supports you, there are no good men left, you are just unlucky, bad stuff always happens to you, you’re not important, that will be your experience because you are viewing the world through that lens. 

I had a real ‘a-ha’ moment when I started on this entrepreneurial journey and became a spiritual mindset coach.  I knew that there was no way I was going to be successful if I held onto this old, worn out story about myself. I couldn’t remain the version of myself who believed I wasn’t smart enough. 

You see, if your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are not in alignment then what you desire will not come to fruition. Your subconscious beliefs are stronger than your thoughts, they are more ingrained, they will override all the good intentioned thoughts you have in relation to your desires. 

I knew that I had to decide to be a new version of myself. I had to change the story and live into an updated, expanded version of me that truly believed I was smart enough. And, when I did “boom” I gained more and more momentum in my business, I attracted the right clients and those clients were getting amazing results.  The more and more I experienced these things that supported my new story that I am smart enough, the stronger the belief became. 

When I chose to become the woman who believed I was smart enough and believed in my success, and did the deep work to let go of the old story and flip the script to this new story, my whole reality shifted to support that new belief. I now view the world from this updated, more empowered version of me and the world responds in turn.


But, it all starts with you. You have to uncover the stories and you have to decide to flip the script.  You have to decide to become an updated, more empowered, more self-loving version of yourself. And, then you have to do the work.

So, here are my questions to you and I would love to hear your answers. You can reply back to this email.

  1. What stories are you telling yourself about yourself that are keeping you stuck?

  2. What stories are you ready to break up with?

  3. What’s going to be your new story? 

  4. Who’s the new, expanded version of yourself going to be? 

  5. Who are you ready to become so that you can attract in all that you desire? Declare it now!

This is such a powerful exercise to gain awareness on the subconscious blocks you have so that you can make lasting and massive shifts in your life. Take your power back, live your truth, and create a life you love. 

And, I would love to support you in this journey!  If you are interested in learning more about working with me 1 on 1 reply to this email.  I can’t wait to hear from you!